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Viêt Nam

vietnam carte.gif

Capitale : Hanoï

Monnaie : Dông (VND)

1 VND = 0,0000365490 €

1€ = 27 360,56 VND

Vietnam 50VND 2001 NH 0005294 R.jpg
Vietnam 50VND 2001 NH 0005294 V.jpg

50 Dông - Edité en 2001

Vietnam 10000VND 2006 R.jpg
Vietnam 10000VND 2006 V.jpg

10 000 Dông - Edité en 2006

Vietnam 20000VND 2014 PI14078139 R.jpg
Vietnam 20000VND 2014 PI14078139 V.jpg

20 000 Dông - Edité en 2014

Vietnam 50000VND R.jpg
Vietnam 50000VND V.jpg

50 000 Dông - Edité en 2014

Vietnam 100000VND MD 16155713 R.jpg
Vietnam 100000VND MD 16155713 V.jpg

100 000 Dông - Edité en 2016

Vietnam 200000VND 2018 CN18304947 R.jpg
Vietnam 200000VND 2018 CN18304947 V.jpg

200 000 Dông - Edité en 2018

Vietnam 500000VND 2011 TS11947653 R.jpg
Vietnam 500000VND 2011 TS11947653 V.jpg

500 000 Dông - Edité en 2011

Translation disclaimer

All the tickets on this site come from a private collection, with no economic or other purpose. All the official documents which decorate this site, emanate from the central banks, the monetary authorities having given their authorizations to reproduce and translate them. Copying of the site, images are strictly prohibited without permissions.    

  © Création Pascal HELLENBRAND - 2018/2021 - all rights reserved

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