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Grande Bretagne 50£ 2021 AA66 166442 R.jpg
Grande Bretagne 50£ 2021 AA66 166442 V.jpg

Currency :

Pound sterling

Value :


Year :


Transmitter :

Bank of England

Size :

146 x 77 mm

Note :

Outstanding - Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in the transparent window to the left.

Front :

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at right. The Bank of England building in the center background. Top left, St Edward's Crown. Bank of England logo lower left.

Back :

Mathematician Alan Turing (1912-1954), the decryptor of the Enigma code. Underneath his 1954 portrait Turing's signature and below his quote: "This is only a taste of what is to come, and only a shadow of what is to be". The binary code "10101111l1l10010110011000" inscribed on the converted decimal number reveals Turing's date of birth 23061912 or June 23, 1912.

Other :



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All the tickets on this site come from a private collection, with no economic or other purpose. All the official documents which decorate this site, emanate from the central banks, the monetary authorities having given their authorizations to reproduce and translate them. Copying of the site, images are strictly prohibited without permissions.    

  © Création Pascal HELLENBRAND - 2018/2021 - all rights reserved

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